Wondering what the best exercises are to prepare your body for birth? How about to keep your back and hips comfortable as your belly grows in the late second and early third trimesters?

In this video, I give you 5 amazing exercises that I teach to both my birth and training clients to help them stay more comfortable during pregnancy and to help prepare their bodies and pelvic floor for birth.

Comfort is a big topic in my newest 8-week program, Third Trimester Comfort and Calm. This program is geared towards mommas in later pregnancy who want to stay strong while making sure what they are doing is safe, keep their bodies comfortable with stretch sequences and exercises that ease common pregnancy aches and pains, and stay calm leading up to birth with mindset work to prepare mentally for birth and postpartum.

And I need YOUR help testing it out alongside me. That’s right. I’m beta testing this program during my third trimester with some other amazing mommas alongside me. Want to be one of them? Sign up here to be a beta tester: https://madisoncleckler.activehosted.com/f/5

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