Why can’t you let your cravings influence your baby shower? A pickle and ice cream themed baby shower is playful, while also giving you the odd pairings you desire momma! This is also another great theme for those looking for a gender-neutral option, or are keeping the gender of their baby a surprise until birth. Check out our pickle and ice cream themed ideas that will help you throw a baby shower so cute, your guests won’t even be able to dill!

Pickles and Ice Cream Baby Shower Ideas


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Your guests will get a kick out of these inflatable pickles.  Balance them out with some adorable pastel colored ice cream inflatables for a perfect mix of fun and sweet. These will be perfect props for any pictures that are sure to be taken. They can also double as prizes for any baby shower games you may play.

Ice Cream Centerpiece
Create an ice cream centerpiece that won’t melt and make a sticky mess. Arrange flowers in sundae glasses to look like ice cream, add a cute paper straw, and top with a red pom to look like a cherry. You could even add some sprinkles! Another option for creating an ice cream centerpiece is to put flowers in waffle cones and place the cones in clear glasses so they can stand.


Pickle Bites
Chances are, ice cream is going to make up the majority of the desserts at your pickle and ice cream themed baby shower. This means the pickles have to make up for the rest of the snacks. These dill-pickle bites are the perfect appetizer for your baby shower. Filled with cream cheese and salami, if you choose, the bites will ease your guests into the rest of the pickle snacks you’ll have to offer.

Cucumber Rounds
Cucumber rounds topped with chicken salad are a bite-sized treat your guests will love. They’ll still get to enjoy the essence of a pickle, without all of the dill flavors.

Fruit Cones
Sneaking something ice cream related onto the food table won’t be hard at all. Put fruit in a waffle cone and your guests will have a healthy snack that was simple for you to make. It will also give them a total break from the pickle and ice cream flavored madness.

Pickle Ice Cream
Again, chances are you’re keeping the dessert simple with different flavors of ice cream. One flavor your guests will think they have escaped from by dessert though is pickle, but they would be wrong. While pickle flavored ice cream sounds like an odd match made in heaven, your guests won’t be able to resist giving this weird treat a try.

Party Favors

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What better way to thank your guests for coming to celebrate your baby than with pickle soap and an ice cream shaped loofah. Attach a tag that says “Thanks a great dill,” to add even more of your baby shower theme into their gift.

Check out our Pickles and Ice Cream Pinterest board for even more ideas:

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