Everyone loves a good joke. And one of the funniest things you can do when giving holiday gifts, birthday gifts, or baby shower gifts is hide the real present inside a fake “prank” box.

You’ve probably seen (or maybe even received!) boxes depicting hilarious and almost-believable products: a device that translates dogs’ barking, pair of “cargo socks” to store items, an ice cream maker that churns ice cream while attached to a car tire, to name a few.

Upon removing the wrapping paper and seeing the gag gift box, the recipient has to feign excitement: “Oh! Wow! I’ve always wanted, um, a face heater/ cheese printer/ earwax candle kit!”

I actually tried this once, and it made my day watching my friend try to find something nice to say about the Pet Butler: a serving vest that slips on a dog and lets them walk around with a platter of appetizers. “Uh, my dog will love this,” my friend said politely, while I choked back my laughter. (Don’t worry, she liked the actual gift once she pulled it out of the prank box!)

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But the latest mom-focused prank box truly has us rolling. The Birthie Stick is essentially a selfie stick that laboring moms place between their knees. “Bring you delivery to life,” the box reads. (HA.)

And it gets better. “Turn a precious moment into a viral sensation!” the box reads. “Childbirth isn’t something you want to keep to yourself. The Birthie Stick was designed to provide steady, high-quality video of the blessed event using just a smartphone. So friends, family, and followers can enjoy a close-up perspective of your baby’s emergence from the womb. Content doesn’t get any fresher!” LOLOLOLOL.

Can you even imagine how funny this gift would be at a baby shower? Or on Christmas morning with the family? Or at a birthday party for your pregnant mama friend?

Just picture everyone sitting around trying to be polite about the gift of a Birthie Stick while reading statements like “Birthie Stick is sturdy and fully adjustable, allowing you to capture every contraction with confidence.”

Plus, no one can get offended because … it’s a JOKE! And once the recipient pulls out the real gift, they’ll be delighted.

You can buy these hilarious gag gift boxes on Amazon.  There are other funny kiddo-related prank boxes too, including a Baby Shield to block pee during diaper changes and Toddler Tamers that attach to the ankles to keep new walkers in one place.

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Let us know if you try this trick on any of your friends!

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