Moms-to-be aren’t letting social distancing keep them from throwing gender reveal parties with their family and friends. They’re just moving the fun online. Here’s how to throw a virtual gender reveal party of your own.

The Basics

First, set a date for your party and choose the online platform you’ll use for your big event. Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, and Houseparty are all good options.

Next, send invitations with the date and time of the party and instructions on how to access the fun online. If you’re accepting gifts, let your guests know where to send them.

The Details

ir?t=babypalooza 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B00I7FFB5YIf you have time and if it’s in your budget, send gender reveal gift bags or other party favors to your guests before the big day.

You could buy or make a set of small confetti poppers filled with blue or pink confetti. Also, you could get cupcakes delivered to your guests or make gender reveal truffles.

Better yet, get your guests involved in the party planning, too. Challenge each guest to decorate a pink or blue backdrop that they’ll use the day of the party to show if they think you’re having a girl or a boy.

The Big Reveal

Decide how you’ll reveal your baby’s gender during the live stream. Need some ideas?

Balloons in a Box. Fill a large cardboard box with pink or blue balloons. When the moment arrives, simply open the box and let the balloons reveal the big surprise.

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Baby Bottle Piñata. Fill a baby bottle piñata with pink or blue confetti. During the live stream, you and your partner will burst open the piñata to reveal the color and your baby’s gender.

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Light Bright.  String up pink or blue lights around the room you’ll be streaming from. When it’s time, turn off all other lights in the room and switch on the string of lights for the big reveal.

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Let the Music Play. Create a gender-themed playlist filled with songs with titles like “I’m Just a Girl” or “This Boy.” The music will make your big announcement for you and keep the party going after the reveal.

dancing to gender reveal play list

Balloon Pop. An oldie but goodie, one way to reveal your baby’s gender is to simply fill a big balloon with pink or blue confetti and pop the balloon when it’s time.

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ir?t=socialmedia004d 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B0834SWC5QStork Pops. Another great and simple way to surprise friends and family with the gender of your baby is to send them a Stork Pop in the mail. You can send them a pink or blue pop depending on the gender and tell them not to open it until the party. Then once you have everyone in the live stream, tell them to open their envelopes and watch the excitement unfold as they find out the gender of your baby.

Stork Pops by Three Lollies birth announcements

After the party be sure to send thank you notes to your guests and prizes to folks who correctly guessed your baby’s gender.

Virtual gender reveal parties, just like virtual baby showers, are just another example of how we can stay connected to family and friends even when we’re apart.

Related: Check out more of our virtual gender reveal ideas on Pinterest and our gender reveal party store on Amazon

gender reveal party store
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