Shock. Awe. Joy. Fear. These are just a few of the emotions guys may feel when men find out they are going to be a dad and when that moment comes and their baby comes into the world. While time and experience are great teachers, there are also pregnancy books for new dads to help prepare for what’s to come! We’ve rounded up five options that would be perfect additions to any new dad’s bookshelf and reading list.

5 Pregnancy Books Every New Dad Should Read

The Expectant Father
By Armin A. Brott and Jennifer Ash Rudick

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Originally published in 1995, this comprehensive classic explores all the ways pregnancy could impact expectant fathers. With a month-by-month overview, The Expectant Father covers what’s happening (emotionally and physically), what’s going on with your baby, and what’s going on with new dads themselves.

And the book doesn’t shy away from pregnancy’s financial implications or how pregnancy can affect your social life and sex life.

The latest edition also includes special sections on labor and delivery and the first few months after baby’s arrival.

From Dude to Dad: The Diaper Dude Guide to Pregnancy
By Chris Pegula

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Written by Diaper Dude creator Chris Pegula, this book covers need-to-know essentials of pregnancy and parenting and reminds new dads that it’s perfectly normal to be scared out of their mind. Fun fact: Diaper Dude’s bags have been used by Brad Pitt, and this book was endorsed by the author of the original What To Expect. So, grab a copy so dads-to-be can learn about each trimester and how to be the best possible support person.

The Birth Partner
By Penny Simkin

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Now in its fifth edition, this book will help new dads learn how to be the supportive partners moms-to-be need. The Birth Partner covers all things labor and delivery including how to prepare for labor and know when it’s started, medications, and other techniques for easing labor pains, C-sections, breastfeeding, newborn care, and more.

Dude, You’re Going to Be a Dad
By John Pfeiffer

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In this go-to guide for guys, John Pfeiffer shares all he learned dealing with morning sickness, doctor visits, painting the baby’s nursery, choosing a name, and more. He wants dads to realize this: she might be having the baby, but guys have plenty of responsibilities.

We’re Pregnant: The First-Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook
By Adrian Kulp

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This standout guide for first-time dads offers month-by-month tools to help guys prepare for baby’s arrival and participate in the pregnancy process with confidence. The book includes must-ask questions for the doctor, milestone trackers, and more to create a handbook that’s both approachable and action-oriented.

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