If you are trying to get pregnant, you may be all too familiar with observing your cervical fluid daily or recording your basal body temperature (BBT) every morning. And let’s not forget the slightly more difficult self-examination of your cervical position.

Let’s face it, when trying to get pregnant, you want a speedy conception and that means pulling out all the stunts to ensure you are hitting the mark. And by “hitting the mark” we mean having sexual intercourse during your most fertile time of the month: ovulation.

As rewarding as it can be to naturally track your menstrual cycle, sometimes you just don’t want to risk missing the narrow window of opportunity you have each month to conceive. Maybe you don’t trust your ovulation-tracking abilities enough to rely solely on them just yet. Or perhaps you want that added reassurance each month to give you peace of mind.

Whatever your reason may be, there are countless women who use ovulation prediction kits when trying to get pregnant.

How Ovulation Kits Work

If the idea of an ovulation kit sounds intriguing to you, you may be wondering how they work and just how accurate they really are. To put it simply, ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) are pretty accurate. When used correctly, the best OPK brands are over 97% effective in detecting an LH surge, a leading indication of ovulation.

While OPKs are a highly effective way of predicting your ovulation, it is best to combine this tool with other methods, such as observing your cervical fluid, recording your BBT, and examining your cervical position – good news for those of you who have already studied up on how to naturally track your ovulation!

So yes, for all those who were wondering, ovulation kits do in fact work. How do they manage to be so effective? The LH surge we briefly mentioned before refers to the luteinizing hormone (LH) which spikes up about a day or two before ovulation occurs. This surge is what the OPKs detect to predict your ovulation.

An important thing to keep in mind, however, is that ovulation kits don’t actually test for ovulation. They test for the LH surge that comes before ovulation. Also, keep in mind that OPKs do not observe cervical fluid, an important factor to monitor when trying to get pregnant.

In short, ovulation prediction kits are exactly that: a prediction of your ovulation. So make sure that you are not only relying on your OPK when trying to get pregnant but also other symptoms that tell you when your body is ready to make a baby.

The Perks of Ovulation Predictor Kits

There are definitely a few pros that come with using an ovulation prediction test. Check out a few of the perks that you can take advantage of by using an OPK:


Ovulation prediction tests are convenient to use since they are only needed in the middle of your cycle. Other methods, such as recording your basal body temperature and observing your cervical fluid, must be done on a daily basis. With an ovulation prediction test, you only need to use them in the middle of your cycle to get results.


OPKs are extremely easy to come by. You can find them at your local drugstore or pharmacy and purchase them over the counter. They can even be found at some supermarkets and convenience stores.


If you’ve ever taken a home pregnancy test, you’ll be a natural when it comes to using an ovulation kit. If you are not familiar with a pregnancy test, don’t worry! OPKs are simple to use and only require you to urinate on the test stick before waiting to see the results.

The Best Ovulation Prediction Tests

By now, you probably have a pretty decent understanding of what an ovulation prediction test is, how it works, and how it can help you when trying to get pregnant. If an OPK sounds like something you are interested in, you want to ensure that you purchase the best one.

Consider the following products when choosing the best ovulation prediction test for you:

1. Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test

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First up, we have the #1 OB/GYN Recommended Brand: Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test. This ovulation test is 99% effective and is safe for women with regular and irregular menstrual cycles. The primary advantage of using this test is that it detects your four most fertile days, whereas most other tests only predict two days.

This test works by tracking both LH surge and estrogen. Use this test once a day until you see your estrogen levels rise, which will be indicated by an easy-to-read flashing smiley face.

2. Clearblue Easy Ovulation Test

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Speaking of Clearblue, have you heard about their easy ovulation test? If you consider yourself more of a simple gal and aren’t a fan of the ‘fancy’ digital products, the Clearblue Fertility Monitor Test Sticks might be for you!

This product is ideal for women who want a simple non-digital ovulation test stick that is both accurate and consistent. This test measures LH surges to help you identify the prime time of each month for getting pregnant.

The one downside is that it takes a bit longer than many other ovulation tests – up to 10 minutes. If you don’t mind the longer wait time, this is a highly-rated and easy-to-use test to help you find your most fertile time of the month!

3. First Response Daily Digital Ovulation Test

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A list of the best ovulation tests would not be complete without the First Response Daily Digital Ovulation Test. This kit includes 20 test sticks, which you must insert each day into the digital reader to compare your hormone levels from the previous day.

This test will give you a “YES+” reading to indicate when it detects a surge of LH. When used consistently each day, this test is over 99% accurate, so make sure you don’t miss a day!

4. Wondfo One Step Ovulation (LH) Test Strips

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If you think you will need a lot of testing, the Wondfo One Step Ovulation (LH) Test Strips are exactly what you need! This ovulation test comes with 50 test strips at an unbeatable price. After all, there’s no need to break the bank when trying to predict your ovulation.

This FDA-approved ovulation kit only takes five minutes to give you results and is over 99% accurate. Simply pee into a cup and dip the strip in it for three seconds and voila! If a dark line, or a line that is darker than the control line, appears, you can expect to ovulate within the next 24 to 48 hours.

Time to Pick the Ovulation Kit That Works for You

Now that you have a better understanding of what ovulation prediction tests are and how they work, you can select the best product for your individual needs.

Learn how to track your ovulation by observing the different symptoms your body produces each month. Pair your knowledge with a top-rated OPK and you could very well find yourself with a little one on the way in no time.

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