Established in 1992, CBR holds the distinction of being the world’s largest private newborn stem cell bank. With a mission to support parents, CBR has securely stored over 925,000 cord blood and cord tissue samples for their children.
CBR is committed to advancing the clinical application of cord blood and cord tissue stem cells by collaborating with institutions to establish FDA-regulated clinical trials for currently incurable conditions.
Distinguished as the family cord blood bank that has facilitated stem cell usage for both established and experimental medical treatments in over 600 families, CBR stands at the forefront. Their ultimate objective is to broaden the spectrum of potential newborn stem cell therapies accessible to patients and their families.
Part of the Generate Life Sciences (Generate) family of brands, CBR contributes to this life sciences company’s broader mission to nurture and safeguard families through services encompassing reproductive health, newborn stem cells, genetic screening, medical devices, and healthcare technology. Generate’s comprehensive support spans from preconception to post-birth.
CBR’s headquarters can be found in Los Angeles, California, while their state-of-the-art 80,000 square foot laboratory is located in Tucson, Arizona.
It’s essential to note that Cord Blood Registry is a registered trademark of CBR Systems, Inc.