CollegeCounts 529 - Alabama College Savings Plan
CollegeCounts 529 - Alabama College Savings Plan

Parenting is a lot. College planning doesn’t have to be. That’s where CollegeCounts 529 comes in. Alabama’s 529-qualified tuition program provides flexible investment options designed to help you build higher education savings.

You’ll have a lot of questions before you invest, and that’s okay. We have the answers.

What are the advantages of a CollegeCounts 529 fund?

Investing with CollegeCounts allows you to enjoy many benefits.  The plan offers online enrollment with no minimum contribution requirements, tax benefits, school choice, and flexible contribution options.

Not sure where your child’s higher education journey will lead? Funds can be used at a variety of different institutions including college, university, vocational school, apprenticeships, or other postsecondary educational institutions across the country.

Once you’re ready to start withdrawals for higher education, your children can use their funds on much more than just tuition. Qualified higher education expenses include tuition and fees, expenses for room and board, equipment and books, and more.

Why should I start saving early?

To make the most of your CollegeCounts contributions, it’s important to start as early as you can—even if you have to start small. As the days fly by, your investment will have the potential to grow right alongside your child or grandchild. By saving early, you have additional time to set dollars aside for their future college costs.

What is the best way to contribute to a CollegeCounts 529 plan?

With CollegeCounts, there’s no minimum or ongoing contribution required, so you can invest the amount that meets your budget and savings goals. Contribute at any time or set up an Automatic Investment Plan for an easy and convenient way to make regular electronic contributions directly from your bank account. Family members and friends can also make gifts to your beneficiary for birthdays, holidays, or other special occasions.

How are my contributions invested?

CollegeCounts offers a number of investment options from quality mutual funds families like Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, DFA, Fidelity, PIMCO, and more. Learn more about our investment options to find a strategy that makes the most sense for your family. Take our Risk Tolerance Questionnaire and talk to your financial professional for more information.

How do I start?

Once you’re ready, getting started is easy. It takes about 10 minutes, and all you’ll need is basic information about you and your child or grandchild. The quickest way to open an account is online at Once your account is set up, it’s easy to review and manage the account through our secure online access.

Visit a CollegeCounts representative at your local Babypalooza Baby Expo to learn more about saving for future education expenses while your little ones are still little.