Babywearing is already the best tip for parents since generations ago, but when it comes to nursing it’s a tip that will change your life. I remember vividly the day I thought of this and being the first out of my family to nurse for longer than 3 months. It was a game-changer.  I loved that babywearing while breastfeeding allowed me to have both of my hands free while nourishing my daughter.

How to nurse while babywearing

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to nurse your baby while wearing her or him. Watch the video below for visual instruction.

  1. Always make sure before you grab the carrier/sling, you position your baby how you want them to be. For me, that was actually putting him to my breast like I was about to nurse him.
  2. Put baby bay in sling/carrier like you would normally do.
  3. Once you’re ready to nurse, loosen your carrier/sling to the position from step 1.
  4. Once baby is latched on and nursing, tighten it back to the original fit as if you were just wearing him/her. Make sure it’s not too snug, of course!

Now you’re all set and can take on motherhood like a boss!

I know that there are plenty of tips/tricks out there to help all of us through motherhood, but this one tip has made my breastfeeding journey a breeze. Hopefully, it will help you as well!

Baby Carrier Picks for Breastfeeding

Infantino Flip 4-in-1 Convertible Carrier
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Infantino Flip Advanced 4-in-1 Carrier - Ergonomic, convertible, face-in and face-out front and back carry for newborns and older babies 8-32 lbs

However, if there were a preference, the sling carriers are said to be the best to have while nursing! I’ve added two more links below to some of the most reviewed sling wraps!

Moby Ring Sling Carrier

Moby Ring Sling | Versatile Support Wrap for Mothers, Fathers, and Caregivers | Baby Wrap and Carrier for Newborns, Infants, and Toddlers | Holder Can Carry Babies up to 33 lbs | Silver Streak

Sakura Bloom Ring Sling Collection

Related: Types of Baby Carriers

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