
Our mission is to help every child in Alabama develop to his or her maximum potential by promoting a lead-free environment and healthy lifestyle. To accomplish this mission, the ACLPPP provides education and outreach, case investigation, and case management services to help prevent lead exposure in Alabama’s children. The program also seeks to build relationships with other healthcare professionals in the state, especially those specializing in pediatrics, to enhance existing services and ensure objectives are met.

The ACLPPP provides several services which are made available to the families of children identified with blood lead levels which exceed the CDC blood lead reference value of 3.5 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). The following services are intended to promote a healthy lifestyle and ensure a safe environment free of lead hazards.

Our case management team consists of social workers, nurses, and other health care personnel who help arrange additional visits to the health care provider for lead testing and other recommended services. In addition, care coordinators provide home visits to identify sources of lead exposure, educate families on nutritional and cleaning recommendations to reduce lead exposure, and identify others in the household who are at risk for lead poisoning.