If you’re trying to grow your family and think you may be pregnant, the best way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. You could go to the doctor and have a urine or blood test done, but chances are you’re going to use a home pregnancy test to get the initial results.

You’re going to want a pregnancy test that’s reliable, easy to read, and also affordable. Luckily, there are plenty of options to choose from that will give you the answer you’re looking for.

Types of Pregnancy Tests and How they Work

Pregnancy tests bought in store and taken at home all work the same way. They measure how much human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a pregnancy hormone, is in your urine.

To take them, you’ll either do the typical peeing on a stick thing or you’ll pee into a cup and dip the test into it. Then you’ll have to wait in anticipation for a couple of minutes until the lines or reading appear.

Although they’re all performing the same job, there are a few different types of pregnancy tests you may want to know about when deciding which one to buy.

Early Pregnancy Tests:

These types of tests pick up lower levels of hCG. This means they can tell you if you’re pregnant up to five days before your missed period. Remember though, the longer you wait to take a test, the more accurate it will be.

Non-Digital Pregnancy Tests:

These are the typical “one line, two-line” tests you know about. They tend to cost less, but can sometimes be confusing. If you do use one of these and find yourself asking “Is that a second line?” wait a couple of days to take the test again to see if you get clearer results.

Digital Pregnancy Tests:

These are the easiest to read, as they display your results as “pregnant” or “not pregnant.” There’s no need to decipher whether you’re seeing a second line or not. The con to these types of tests is that they tend to be on the pricier side.

Pregnancy Test Strips:

These work just like normal pregnancy tests but instead of peeing directly onto a stick, you’ll pee into a cup and dip the strip into your urine. After a couple of minutes, you’ll see the lines appear for your results. You can typically get a whole pack of these at a low cost. So, they’re great for when you want a quick and accurate result without the price.

Best Home Pregnancy Tests

Here are some of the best home pregnancy tests, from early detection to digital to strips.

First Response Ovulation Plus Pregnancy Test Kit

If you’re tracking your ovulation cycle, the First Response Ovulation Plus Pregnancy Test Kit kills two birds with one stone. It comes with 7 ovulation tests, so you can predict your most fertile days and prime conception times. Then at the end of your cycle, you’ll have a pregnancy test ready that can detect if you’re pregnant up to six days before your missed period.

If you’re no longer tracking or need ovulation tests, you can also buy the Early Result Pregnancy Test on its own.

First Response Rapid Result Pregnancy Test

When it comes to wanting to know if you’re pregnant, sitting in the bathroom and waiting for results for three minutes can feel like an eternity. Luckily First Response also offers the Rapid Result Pregnancy Test, which gives you an answer in just one minute. This test offers the best results when taken on the day of your missed period or any day after.

Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test

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The Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test provides quick results as well. This test has a curved handle making it easy to use (and makes it easier to avoid any of the mess!) and a color-changing tip so you know you’re testing correctly. If you’re using this test from the day of your missed period, it can provide results in as little as a minute. If you’re testing before then, you should wait the standard three minutes to be sure.

Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test with Smart Countdown

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If you’re looking for reassurance, Clearblue also offers a digital pregnancy test that comes with a smart countdown. So, you’ll know that the test is working and when it is complete. Within three minutes, your results will be displayed clearly as either “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant.” The test keeps the result displayed for up to six months, so you can use it to help share your exciting news.

e.p.t. Early Pregnancy Test

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The e.p.t. Early Pregnancy Test can give you results five days sooner and has 99% accuracy when used from the day of your expected period. The results for this test are displayed as positive or negative, making it easier to read than lined tests.

PREGMATE Test Strips

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Getting pregnant can take some time, and the cost of pregnancy tests can add up quick. If you want to keep a stock of tests in the house, PREGMATE offers a box of 50 test strips at a low price. These lined tests require you to pee into a cup then dip the strip into your urine. After five minutes, you’ll have your results. They work up to five days before your missed period.

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