The American Optometric Association (AOA) and Johnson & Johnson Vision partnered in 2005 to create InfantSEE™, a no-cost public health program developed to provide professional eye care for infants nationwide. Through InfantSEE™, optometrists provide a one-time, comprehensive eye assessment to infants in their first year of life, offering early detection of potential eye and vision problems at no cost regardless of income. Parents of babies ages 6 months to one year can schedule an appointment with an approved optometrist. (To find an InfantSEE optometrist near you, click here.)

During the appointment, eye doctors use lights and other handheld objects to make sure the infant’s eyes are working together and might use drops to dilate the baby’s pupils.

“InfantSEE optometrists check for the conditions that lead to amblyopia (lazy eye) such as strabismus (crossed eyes); high or unequal prescriptions and the health of the eye for signs of glaucoma or retinoblastoma—a cancer that can lead to loss of an eye and can spread to the brain if not identified and treated early on,” says Dr. Jennifer Alverson, an InfantSEE approved optometrist.

According to Dr. Alverson, “Most adults know someone who has either a crossed eye or a lazy eye (one eye that doesn’t see as well as the other), but what isn’t as widely known is that if the problem had been diagnosed and treated at an early age, while the visual system was still growing and developing, a lifetime of poor vision could have been avoided. Also, many children are diagnosed with reading or learning disabilities when the root of the problem may very well be a visual disorder. As an optometrist, I know that these scenarios are all too common, but I also know that they are preventable through early detection and treatment—and that’s why I participate in InfantSEE.”


• Provides no-cost access to optometrists who have specialized instruments and resources not available to pediatricians and family physicians
• Detects potential problems that, if undetected, may lead to learning and developmental issues
• Gives new parents the peace of mind that their infant’s vision is developing properly


• 1 in 10 children is at risk from undiagnosed vision problems.
• 1 in 30 children will be affected by amblyopia—often referred to as lazy eye.
• 1 in 25 children will develop strabismus—more commonly known as crossed eyes—a risk factor for amblyopia.

To learn more about InfantSEE call toll-free 888.396.3937 or visit

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