There are a ton of resources out there to guide moms on what they need to pack in their hospital delivery bags. Dads however are often neglected in the category of hospital essentials lists. With that being said, it’s just as important for dad to be thoroughly prepared for the hospital delivery trip to ensure a stress-free, comfortable experience. To make the packing process simple, we’ve compiled a list of must-haves to pack for dad in the hospital delivery bag.

1. Toiletry Bag

You might easily remember to pack your own toiletry item in your delivery bag, but what about dad? He will want to stay by mom and baby’s side so he might want to shower and freshen up in the hospital suite depending on the length of your stay. So be sure to pack everything that he needs to feel clean toothbrush, body wash, deodorant, etc.

2. Tablet/ I-pad

Before mom gets ready to deliver the baby, dad might want something to help pass the time. A tablet or Ipad is a great pastime because you can load up games, movies, or books onto it in preparation for the hospital stay.

3. Book

Some dads might prefer to have a physical book to read instead of an e-reader or a tablet. So pack the novel or non-fiction book that he is currently reading to help him pass the time before delivery.

4. Change of Clothes

This essential is along the same lines as the toiletry bag. After dad freshens up with his toiletries, he’s going to want to slip into some clean and comfortable clothes. Ensure that he has enough changes of clothes for however long you are going to be staying, depending on if you’re having a vaginal delivery or a c-section. Pack comfortable clothes for him such as gym shorts or sweatpants and t-shirts.

5. Pillow

If dad is going to be spending the night in the hospital room he will more than likely be in a chair or a cot. Neither of those options are particularly comfortable. Spare him some neck pain by bringing his pillow from home. Even though his sleeping arrangements won’t be the greatest, they will be slightly more bearable with this comfort from home.

6. Blanket

Again, Dad’s sleeping arrangements probably won’t be the greatest. Having a comfortable blanket from home instead of the standard hospital-issued ones will help him sleep a little bit better.

7. Chargers

Being able to charge your devices in the hospital room is essential. From smartphones to cameras there are a myriad of important devices that you will want to make sure are charged at this important moment in your life.

8. Camera

Dad will want to get snapshots of his newborn baby and the mother of his child after delivery. Bringing a camera will ensure that the photos will be high-quality and capture important memories.

9. Slip-On Shoes

While in the hospital room, dad might want to relax in just socks. However, dad will be up and down a lot walking with mom or visiting the baby. For this, he might want to have shoes that he can easily slip on and off over his socks instead of something like a tennis shoe.

10. Snacks

This essential can’t be stressed enough. Dad’s will get hungry during the hustle and bustle of delivery and the family bonding time afterward. With that being said, hospital food is typically not that good. Packing dad’s favorite snacks for him to munch on will make him extremely grateful. Also, packing snacks helps to avoid spending a ton of money on unhealthy food in the vending machine.

11. Water and Drinks

This essential is along the same line as the snacks. Packing it yourself can help you avoid spending a lot of money at the vending machine and an option for a healthier alternative.

12. Sweatshirt or Jacket

Let’s face it, hospitals are often freezing. While mom might appreciate the cold temperature while laboring, dad will feel the chill of the air. To keep dad warm in the cold climate, make sure to pack him a comfortable sweatshirt or jacket that he can wear for the duration of your stay.

Final Thoughts

These essentials are by no means everything that each may want to bring with him to the hospital for his child’s delivery. However, they are all things that will definitely make dad’s stay with mom and his new baby more comfortable. If you want to know what essentials that moms should pack in their hospital delivery bag check out our other blog post!

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