q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07DGLW1BX&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=babypalooza 20&language=en USPostpartum depression has become a recognizable condition to look for after having a baby. The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr. Oscar Serrallach looks into treating other problems women can face up to a decade after giving birth aside from PPD like nutrient depletion, sleep loss, and emotional shifts.

ir?t=babypalooza 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07DGLW1BXGrowing and birthing a baby takes a toll on a mother’s body and often times they’ll experience exhaustion, forgetfulness, pain, and indecision, among other things, due to the process. With postnatal care ending after six weeks, mothers are left to learn how to rebuild their strength and bodies on their own. They could suffer from depletion effects for years without realizing and never get the support they need.

This book offers advice and protocols women can follow to help them have a successful recovery after birth and avoid depletion effects. It can help moms restore their energy, replenish their bodies, and reclaim their sense of self.

About the Author

Dr. Oscar Serrallach is the owner and principal doctor at the Mullumbimby Integrative Medical Centre in Northern NSW Australia. He’s happy to bring a focus onto the postnatal depletion effects women face that not many are talking about. He hopes The Postnatal Depletion Cure can serve as a helpful workbook to help mothers in their recovery after having a child.

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